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Heal from EBV once and for all
so you can follow your passions and fulfill your life's purpose!
Join our EBV Recovery Program

We celebrate that we have served, supported, and helped heal
more than 500 people just like you with our program!
I know you're just miserable in your own skin thinking, "it's not me, and no one gets it ....and what if I get COVID now on top of that?"
You feel you're stuck with a virus that is preventing you from living your best life every single day.  

Having a life.
Being there for your kids. 
Being of service. 
Sharing your spiritual gifts with the world that so needs them. 
Following your passions. 
Pursuing your deepest dreams. 

You try so hard to take good care of yourself and yet this virus has such a grip on you. 
It's frustrating and so demoralizing. 

How can it be? The virus keeps you locked in a vicious cycle.

It's robbing you of  your energy, contributing to weight issues, depression, anxiety, overwhelming fatigue and brain fog, chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, and fear of cancer. 

Your doctors have called you "a complex case" or "a medical mystery".

And then there's COVID issues: the new studies popping up about the relationships between EBV and COVID (and long haul COVID perhaps being EBV). This seems to be such a bad time to have EBV!

You may be worried that EBV is ruining your life. 

Do You Feel Your Body Has Failed You? 
Did You Have to Bury Your Dreams? 
Is This You?

The brain fog is unbearable - you feel like you're losing your mind, cannot recall simple words, and cannot even finish a sentence.

The fatigue is impossible to describe. You're dragging yourself from the sofa to the kitchen.

You feel like a failing parent. That deeply depresses you.

You feel like new diagnoses keep popping up and more are autoimmune: Lupus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, etc.
You endure unexplained pain, chronic headaches, painful neck and lymph nodes, odd anxieties

You wake up with heart palpitations in the middle of the night, worried and anxious, and you simply cannot get a good night sleep.

After thousands of dollars, 20 or more doctors, therapies, extensive tests, you're not better, starting to believe this is as good as it gets, while life is just passing you by.
Your loved ones don't get it. Your marriage is on the rocks.

You're told to get an antidepressant or exercise, but any attempt to walk or run means you crash.

You used to be a high performing professional or athlete.

You are alone, terrified, and losing hope. 

From the Desk of: Dr. Kasia Kines

Re: How to Finally Put an End to EBV

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Dear EBV Hero,

Does what I just wrote sound like you?

You're at the mercy of chronic Epstein-Barr Virus infection and really just want to get your life back... wondering if that is too much to ask... You just want to feel like a human again, free from anxiety and sheer terror over your deteriorating health. Free from hopelessness and anxiety about your future. Free from feeling so alone and misunderstood in this painful circumstance that doesn't seem to ever end.

You dream of having "normal" brain focus - could someone just turn off that thick cloud over your thinking....You dream of "normal" energy... you know, like other people have - going about their daily business without worrying about crashing by the afternoon. 

Ultimately, you want to live without thinking about the next time you are bed-ridden again from the overbearing fatigue..., brain fog, vertigo, pain... gut problems... you name it...

In fact, right now, your life would already greatly improve if you could just stop worrying about every single task you try to embark on or any simple thing you eat, and wonder how you're going to make it through the day without crashing... how long you can keep up with your job demands.

There is no one out there who understands and no one who really knows how to help you.

The isolation is profound.

I can tell you...You're not alone. We have a whole community that was exactly where you are now....but not any more.

Your suffering ends here. I have your back. I have cracked the code on EBV and I have helped many people just like you have an amazing life, free of pain, worry, EBV.

My promise to you is that you will get the tools to get your life back from EBV! 

We will do it together.

Kasia Kines

So How Does This Work?

Just Follow these  4 Simple Steps:

1. Set the Intention

Make a decision to show up for your highest self and commit to prioritizing this time for your healing journey - this is it - what you learn here will carry you for the rest of your life! I will ask you to make  changes in your life. You have to commit to the process, even if it means baby steps and if you do, you will get your life back. 

2. Use Our Strategies

Just follow the ten core Modules (and weekly guiding emails). Take time to anchor each into your life: I recommend taking 1 month per module. When you need more support, ask me for help: in our FB group, our weekly Live Group Calls... or schedule  a 1-1 call with me for a deeper dive. I got your back. 

3. Watch the Magic

It is that simple: the more you follow the Program and implement it, the faster the tools will get you over EBV. Enjoy watching the magic of that healing unfolding! Start dreaming and planning about what you will do with your life when you have healed!

4. Join our Coaching Calls
even if bed-ridden with EBV

It's so common - we got you! Start by watching the latest Q&A Call or New Member Success Call recordings to get inspired and empowered. Join these live, even if sick! It's okay to keep the camera off: we know it is tough to start.

What is Included in the Program? 

 10 Core Modules - Here are Summaries

Weekly Live Group Calls
NEW UPDATE - We now meet weekly!
We just introduced two monthly bonus calls exclusively for Recovery Program members:

First Friday's Meet & Greet

Bonus Gathering

1st Friday every month
10am PT [1pm ET]

A time to cultivate connection with fellow Recovery Program students, encourage each other, and stay accountable to goals.

Call IS NOT recorded

Monthly Q&A Coaching Call

Guided by Dr. Kines

2nd Wednesday every month
11am PT [2pm ET]

Get all your individual questions answered directly by Dr. Kines!

Call IS recorded

Mindful Moment - Meditation & Breathing

Bonus Gathering

3rd Friday every month
10am PT [1pm ET]

An intentional pause in your month to connect with yourself to be better able to follow your innate guidance.

Call IS NOT recorded

New Member Success Call

Guided by Dr. Kines

4th Wednesday every month
11am PT [2pm ET]

Even if you are not "new" to the Program, join for a refresher! Everyone is welcome. The first 30 minutes of the call are hosted by Rachael, our Director of Operations, and focus on logistics and technical support for new and restarting students. Dr. Kines will join for the second half of the call for an open forum Q&A.

Call with Kasia IS recorded



We have an amazing loving community of EBV Heroes, so you'll never again feel alone and isolated


Shopping videos, cooking demos, resources on how to travel with EBV, almost 1000 delicious recipes and more


We continue to update relevant materials and add more, e.g. lymph support, COVID support, antibiotic support, etc.


Mold, Co-infections (SIBO, H-pylori), EMF, Heavy Metals, Labs for EBV and Beyond, Lymph and Movement, Vagus Nerve, Summer Tips for EBV, Traveling with EBV, motility issues, Hypochlorhydria, and more.


A few years worth of all our Live Q&A Coaching Calls + audio option + Dr. Kasia's notes from them - all available for you


Newest studies on COVID+EBV, safe and effective COVID protocols, resources, V alternatives and a post-V injury protocol

EBV Expert One-on-One Mentorship

YES! You actually get LIFETIME and DIRECT access to the world expert on EBV as long as you need it! 

Do a deep dive with personalized mentorship directly with me! The Program includes two 1-1 Breakthrough Calls with additional heavily discounted Power Hours available, so you always know you can get the individual help when you need it.
Two 1-1 Breakthrough Calls  with me!
Challenge: Most online programs are on demand with no or limited access to anyone live. They have to "fit all", which is not my philosophy as I believe we are each unique with unique needs and circumstances. In most online programs, if there is available live support, it is very rarely the expert. Instead, you may only be able to talk to a member of that expert's team - e.g. a nurse practitioner, a nutritionist or a health coach. EBV is too serious of a matter. It comes with complications, co-infections, and un/misdiagnosed other conditions... I feel that having a strictly on demand prerecorded program for EBV would not serve our community at the needed level. 

Solution: Our Program already has a high level of customization embedded at every major step and milestone in the process, and you ARE able to ask ME  your questions directly and in realtime as we go on many platforms. With the two 1-1 Breakthrough Calls, we are taking it even further. We are expediting your healing and compress the time even more! You will benefit from nearly 2 decades of my clinical functional nutrition expertise with all kinds of complicated immune and gut conditions, "mystery" and chronic conditions, and complications that often come along with chronic active EBV. So expect each of our Breakthrough Calls to speed up your healing and recovery from EBV!

There are great benefits to these Breakthrough Calls: we literally are breaking through - with instant personal customization based on YOUR story and YOUR situation with the right diet,  supplement regimen, and your EBV and special clinical tools just for you. The best part: these 2 sessions are included with your the EBV Recovery Program membership. YAY!

Power Hours with Dr. Kines

Coaching with Health Coach Laura

 One-on One Power Hour with me!

[exclusive Program member rate - almost 50% off regular Power Hour!]

Power Hour is our students' all-time favorite added service.  

This is a call you can schedule if you need more one-on one sessions than the two Breakthrough Calls. It is a paid service, but the fee is very conservative, heavily discounted and only available for our Program students. 

So once you redeem your two Breakthrough Calls, you can catch me here for more personalized support. 

Roll up your sleeves: We. Get. Things. Done.  Power Hour is indeed a power hour. No pun intended! 

This is how the Program is unique to service our EBV community
at the highest level of support, love and commitment:

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Start Your Own Recovery Journey Now!

Join EBV Recovery Program!
6-Easy Monthly Payments of $849
or Save $100 when Paid in Full
100% Secure Checkout

"The EBV Recovery Program is the best investment you’ll ever make in your health!"
 Kitty Gibbs

But I've tried everything for EBV already. Nothing has worked.
Will this work for me?

I know you have. 

Here is why it can work for you:

  • THE RIGHT GUIDE - I am one of the few true experts in EBV  and have cracked EBV with my own patients
  • EVIDENCE-BASED SOLUTIONS  - I only use those tools from medical literature that actually performed in my clinic 
  • EMPOWERING TOOLS TO PREVENT EBV REACTIVATIONS - once you have our life back 
  • ​THE RIGHT SUPPLEMENTS  - carefully tailored based on medical literature; they really move the needle!
  • ​COMMUNITY - our team and I as well as our amazing community are here for you. You'll never feel alone again.
  • LIFE TIME ACCESS - no stress - take your time if you need more than 10 months, if life gets in the way.
  • ​BEST ANTI-VIRAL support out there, EBV, COVID, V, and beyond.
  • ​COMPLICATIONS - sometimes EBV "comes with friends". We know who they are and support you through these issues.
  • ​PERSONAL SUPPORT - you get to work with me 1-1 too, to compress the time and elevate your progress!
Let Me Ask You A Question:
If you don't get help for your EBV now, what will happen? 

To your health, your dreams, your family, your life's purpose? 

 I know how much EBV has cost you. I know you've tried. I know what you've lost. Enough already.

  • Time Wasted: Like thousands of others,  you've spent years trying to figure out how to get better.
  • ​ Money Lost: ​You've sunk thousands of dollars on medical care, testing, and supplements.
  • Lack of  the Right Support: You've gone to five, ten, or fifty doctors so far—perhaps you even traveled out of state to get help...  still looking.
  • ​Hard Work with Little to Show for: You've worked so hard - diets, therapies, you name it. You're still so miserable, not for the lack of trying.
  • Broken Dreams: You wanted to follow a passion and create beautiful things or services on this planet, but you had to bury these dreams because of EBV.
  • ​Isolation: No one understands the depth of your distress. You're completely alone in this; you wish you had a friend or community that really "gets" you.
  • ​Lost Relationships: I have seen the strain EBV puts on spouses, marriages, friendships, and family dynamics. Perhaps EBV has cost you your marriage already.

Bottom Line Is... It's Your Birthright to Be Well!

Based on everything I know about EBV and everything I have seen over the years, I know EBV is treatable, reversible (Flavin, 2006) and predictable. It is possible for you to recover so that you can finally pursue your passions and desires. 

We have done that again and again with our community, and when recently mold and wi-fi activated my EBV, I followed my own protocol and turned EBV off within 24-48 hours each time.

That is the secret ultimate goal I have for you as well!! You bet knowing what I know and being able to share that with you really excites me to the core!

There's one thing I know for sure. EBV is not going to get better on its own. EBV does not stop by itself. You have to stop it. And for that, you need a guide.

I'll guide you exactly how to turn your EBV off. For good. Through a solid sustainable and proven process. And how to prevent it from coming back in future.

So, if you're finally ready to get off this life-destroying roller-coaster, I'm here for you.

So you can have a life.

... chase your dog in the park,
... go dancing, 
... go for that dream job, 
... become a prolific artist,
... become a healer to help others...

Have energy to follow your dreams.
Become a spiritual master in service of others.
Have a life full of lightness and joy. 
As is your birthright.

Let me be the very last person you ask for help for your ultimate health and wellness...

The following describes many of the students that have joined the Recovery Program, does this sound like you?

  • You know you have EBV and believe in your ability to heal.
  • ​You’ve read my book (or tried too but it’s been hard with brain fog).
  • ​You’ve often been described as an A-type “self starter" and a “go-getter” but feel you've been overworked.
  • ​You have perfectionist tendencies and have trouble delegating to other because you “trust it will get done better if I do it myself”.
  • ​You're empathetic to the needs of others and often spread yourself thin over-giving. You wear your heart on your sleeve.
  • ​You love to multi-task and may be a savvy business professional.
  • ​You want to, in time, help others with their EBV, but need to address your own health concerns first, to be able to serve others.
  • ​You know if something is going to help you, you'll go for it because you’re sick tired of being unwell and know your life is worth it!
  • ​You understand you're saving time and money by working with an EBV Expert.
  • ​You've tried to implement various diets and therapies but realize there's more to learn to get back to 100%.
Join EBV Recovery Program!
6-Easy Monthly Payments of $849
or Save $100 when Paid in Full
100% Secure Checkout

"The EBV Recovery Program is the best investment you’ll ever make in your health!"
 Kitty Gibbs

It's time to finally break free from the pain and suffering 
that EBV has caused! 
Begin a new life following your vision, joy and passion
Let these Real Stories Inspire You. 
I Would LOVE to See your Story here soon!

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Kate's EBV Recovery Story

Lynne's EBV Recovery Story

Mike's EBV Recovery Story

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Michelle just started the program and already loves it!

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"The EBV Recovery course was phenomenal.

From top to bottom the course covered everything I needed to know to help me on my journey. There wasn’t one stone left unturned.

If you have EBV or even if you simply suspect it you will learn so much valuable information in this course that you can apply it for healthful living for the rest of your life.

It is transformational!"


"I have been working with Dr. Kasia Kines for a few months now and I can honestly say she has saved my life.

I had extreme fatigue, brain fog, weight-gain, SIBO, EBV, Thyroid issues and a host of aches and pains when we began our journey. I couldn't exercise at all, in fact ...

I could barely crawl from my bed to my office then back to bed...

I am now pain free and doing Yoga, Hiking, Kayaking, and have lost 32 pounds and 4 dress sizes!

I feel amazing
but best of all I have hope for a better tomorrow.

 I never thought I'd feel better in my mid 50s than I did in my mid 30s.

Thank you so much Dr Kasia Kines for your amazing EBV Recovery Program and Power Hours!!"

 - Teri Kelly

"I truly believe the EBV Program
saved my hearing and gave back my life!

Prior to the course, my right ear had severe hearing loss with a true threat of going deaf caused by EBV.  Dr. Kasia’s Program helped me get healthier and stronger and my hearing has improved dramatically. My neck is so smooth now. There are no swollen glands and the debilitating neck pain is all gone.

I now have energy to do the things I like such as gardening or yoga.
I now have a love of cooking too, which I used to dread. And, this awesome course has given me the skills to prevent EBV from reactivating and if it does, I know exactly what to do!

Dr. Kasia is a compassionate practitioner who goes over and beyond to help her students. For example, she had each program video transcribed so the class could have a printed copy, and I found this to be extremely helpful due to my hearing difficulties.

This course is a lifesaver and worth every penny!!   
Thank you, Kasia!!"

- Sue Starling

"I highly recommend this program!
It has kick started my healing into high gear.

The information is priceless and will last a lifetime.
If you are on the fence... do it!

Best decision I made in the past 3 years I have been sick. "

- Rebecca Dawkins

"I want to thank you for all of your incredible work to put this course together. Your knowledge, expertise and commitment
have changed my life.

You taught me exactly what to do.
You offered the most hope for me in the last 60 years.
I'm able to tolerate and enjoy so many more foods now - and I struggled with that for so long.

You have given me information and understanding to be able to stay on top of my EBV.  I now understand what my triggers are, can catch it early and  not feel like "a semi-truck just hit me". Thank you!

- Barbara Maddoux
Registered Nurse, Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner (IFMCP)

"Dr. Kasia has literally changed my life.

I quit going to medical doctors at a young age because none of them could ever figure out what was wrong with me. My parents wanted to pursue natural and holistic alternatives to solve my health puzzle. Some things that we tried worked temporarily, but nothing lasted. Even in the natural world, it seemed no one understood EBV.

I’m now 28 and have been in an off-and-on battle with EBV for over half of my life. When I found Dr. Kasia, I was in a place of absolute fear that I was going to be sick and debilitated for the rest of my life.

I now know that that is not true AT ALL, because EBV is the root of my chronic symptoms and Dr. Kasia has given me the tools to win the battle against EBV every single time.

I feel empowered and hopeful for the first time in my life."

- Rachel Adams

[a note: when Rachel found me, she was living back with her parents as EBV incapacitated her and forced her to do so -  she was no longer able to be an independent young professional. By the time she graduated from the Program, we were all celebrating her moving into her new home! YAY!!!]

"I was in Dr. Kines’ first “inaugural” EBV group in the Spring of 2019.
I was debilitatingly sick, desperate and my healing was slow.

I operated at about 20% of my functioning capacity.
I’m now at about 70-80%.

I had not worked in over 10 years because of my EBV and co-infections and recently, I started a part time job and am sustaining well!

Dr. Kines was my game changer.

With this Program, I moved the needle and gained confidence in my body’s ability to function again.

All the materials are ours for life. They will always be there for us when we get stuck or want to see the needle move more. I still go back and review it for extra help.

As an EBV Hero you will make good friends and have the support you need to keep fighting your illness and co-infections.

Believe that it can and will happen for you.
Celebrate all victories along the way.  Big and small, they will start to add up. This is not an illness to fight alone.

Join the rest of us EBV Heroes, we can do this together. ”

- Jane Estes

"The EBV Recovery Program is the best investment you’ll ever make in your health!

I worked 30 years in healthcare, both in western and functional medicine. My career ended in my early 50’s when I was diagnosed with severe Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Breast Cancer and finally Chronic Epstein Barr Virus.

It was Dr. Kines who discovered that CAEBV was likely the underlying cause of all my other health issues and that it stemmed from a childhood case of mononucleosis that reactivated in adulthood and turned chronic.

Finally, my lifetime of pain, fatigue, illness and difficulty managing stress all made sense.

Dr. Kasia Kines is among the top functional nutritionists in the world and this Program is THE master class for anyone with EBV with lifetime access to resources that cover literally everything you need!

This Program has empowered me in my health journey and given me the tools I need to better manage any future flares.

I’m eating healthier.  I’m feeling so much better on the exact supplement protocol Dr. Kines customized for me.  I have more energy and I’m thinking more clearly!

I highly recommend Dr. Kine’s EBV Recovery Program.
You won’t find a more dedicated and knowledgeable advocate on the subject of EBV.”

- Kitty Gibbs

Listen to how the EBV Recovery Program has transformed Robyn's life!

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Ingrid started out skeptical, but found the EBV Recovery Program to be invaluable!

"Not only, always sick, but sicker than I had ever been in my life. My energy was nonexistent even though I would sleep 10 hours in a day. The sore throats, fever, ringing in my ears, vertigo and on and on. You name it, I had it. I went from doctor to doctor with absolutely no progress. I even had a Rheumatologist tell me I needed to accept my “new” life. 
He previously lost two patients to suicide from EBV  because they couldn’t “accept” their symptoms. 

Given all of this, I was pretty skeptical when I took this program. Wow, was I wrong!!! One thousand percent wrong!! 

The information I learned from this program is invaluable. 
My symptoms have left almost completely and I was able to begin exercising again, which is the cherry on top! 

I now have the tools I so desperately needed to get my life back. 
Thank you Dr. Kines! I am forever grateful!! 

- Ingrid W.

And here is a few months later, when Ingrid randomly sent me this email:

"Hi Dr. Kines... during my walk this morning I thought how blessed I am to be able to feel good and exercise again! 
You have no idea how much these simple things mean to me.

 I am doing very well. 
I've lost almost 30 pounds and I have been feeling fantastic! 

A few months ago, I started to have a sore throat & swollen lymph nodes again, but I knew just what to do and 
in no time at all, the flare was over! ALL OF THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOU!! 

I just wanted to send a note to let you know how very grateful I am. 
I can never express how much you have changed my life! 

- Ingrid W.

Here is Ingrid's story in a short audio she wanted to share with you...

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  Expect Transformations! 
"I’ve been following the protocol you set out and my recent labwork shows that EBV has gone dormant! Now to keep it that way! After being ill for ten years it’s a big life change! I’m still getting used to the idea of being normal again. It’s happening!"

- Barbara
"One of the best parts of your program is how you incorporate the whole person, not just the EBV.   And you are right when you said that recovering from EBV is like building a house.  It's not just one thing that we need to focus on, but all of the person.

Compared to the other two programs that I had tried before yours, yours has the one thing that they did not have..... continuing support via Q&A twice a month which was most important for my healing, very well organized FB groups, an incredible accurate information on labs and lab results interpretations as well as on supplements. Plus the information on life issues impacted by the environment that we live in.

I am absolutely delighted to know that the initial cost of the program entitles me to lifelong access to all the materials.  You cannot imagine... well, maybe YOU can, Dr. Kines....., just how often I have had to review something because I didn't quite understand it the first time.  That's the beauty of your program!  It's there for me to use as often as I need to, which I have already been doing!!!   Thank you

- KP Gail
"I highly recommend this Program - it's truly priceless. 
After years of searching for answers, Dr. Kines' Program has changed my life. 

I started this Program with the feeling of distrust in the medical profession and fearful of the unknowns. I now feel confident that I have the toolkit to utilize for the long-term. Having the support of a well-versed, professional that says “your biggest fan” is EXACTLY who I want in my trust tribe. I feel I was guided to this Program by God and at the most challenging time. 

If on the fence about this signing up for this health investment, you won't be disappointed
Dr. Kines, gives her undivided attention in the video meetings and you are able to ask all your imperative concerns. 

I cannot express enough how valuable this Program is. 
I want to shout it from the roof tops! 

There is hope and Dr.Kines has invested her TIME in pursuing this area, which is a gift to the world. You will be able to learn from others' stories, as well and will be amongst empathetic individuals that support your road to health. 

If you are suffering and seeking answers, please follow your heart and know 
Dr. Kines' EBV Recovery Program will deliver." 

- M. T.
"I've been so busy just catching up on my life from being so ill with EBV! I feel better than I did before I was sick! 
I can't thank you enough for all the help. I haven't felt this good in a very long time.”

- Niko Barbera
“What you will learn with Dr. Kasia Kines   will help you to be able to live 
your best life in the shortest time possible.  

What she is covering in 10 weeks took me 10 years to learn on my own.” 

- Nanette Puryear
"I wanted to say that the EBV Recovery program was the best spent money in the past 5 years. 

The amount of information, support and understanding is nowhere near tons of investment, numerous doctors, healers, practitioners that claimed to help but instead leave more confusion and suffering. 

And I am finally getting better first time in years! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!" 

- Mary Jones
"I'm in the program and 100% recommend it if you [...] are willing to do the work." Paula
"I am also in the program and I also 100% recommend it with all my heart! I have been searching for an EBV expert for a long time and I am so grateful to find this program. Full of hope and inspiration. I have learned so much and am so exited to learn sooo much more." Cynthia
"Hi Fabulous Kasia Kines! Just stopping by to thank you for my continued freedom from EBV. I have a busy life right now, but I will pop in every once in awhile. Thank you for all you do for EBV clients. Much love and gratitude!" J.H.
"I first read Dr. Kines’ amazing book and soon realized I needed more help to navigate my healing journey, so joined the program.  Her very in-depth knowledge is impressive, but it’s her passion, accessibility, and generosity that made me take the leap — I actually got a slower start in the program because I was enjoying the free 5-day series so much!  The program itself is huge and a lot to “digest”, but she has a talent for making it understandable and enjoyable and a slow pace is encouraged.  I’m looking forward to healing and even possibly becoming stronger than I was before EBV, which feels possible with this info and help." Maria
"I just wanted to let you know that I am doing really well on my healing from EBV…I have so much Joy and my energy is back…YAY!!! I am able to play pickleball several days a week for 2 hours and go to gym, and of course my yoga practice…. Thank you!" Toni
"I am half way through the program and already feeling a huge progress on energy level, emotional level, sleep and have not felt better in years." Maya
"Today I was able to touch my left ear with my right hand! Now that may not sound like too much of a remarkable thing, but I haven’t been able to perform this action for months due to pain and inflammation in both my right shoulder and my right elbow. I am now looking forward to being able to touch my right ear with my right hand and therefore being able to wear earrings again." Kathy 
"Wow… this is what it feels to have a happy brain... and I’m going to continue to make it happy. This is the first time I went shopping. I actually went into a store and tried on clothes. I have not gone shopping in 6 months and I was not exhausted the next day! I feel like I am getting my life back." Sue 
"Here's an amazing thing. I weed for an hour a day now. Before, I struggled to walk from the couch to the kitchen." Anna
"This has been so ground-breaking for me. I actually WOKE UP HAPPY today. I don’t remember the last time I woke up feeling like this. It’s been years." Rachel
"I slept soundly 2 days in a row! WOWSA!" Lisa
"Yesterday I read the Brain Power and I made sure to eat the right balanced meal in the right time frame. I was amazed at the energy I had in the afternoon. I usually don’t. I felt so good I caught up on errands and went to my church’s service. I hadn’t been to church for over a year because of my EBV!" Jane
"Anyone else is feeling the emotion of JOY? Strangest thing, started my Jumpstart Bundle last Wednesday and by Friday I was feeling Joyful...something I never feel?! Then Monday I had a dream (which I don't do much of) that left me feeling joyful after awakening? Loving it!!!" Andraia
"I wanted to let everyone know that I'm having more good days now than bad. Things are getting easier!! More energy and less pain and fatigue! I'm also digesting my food better - 2 poops every day instead of one. Dr. Kines' protocol works!
Just be patient." Simran
"I feel soooo good on these supplements!" Susan
"I had so many muscle cramps and could barely walk before....yesterday I was dancing in the kitchen!" Mary
"Dr. Kines... Since I've been so sick lately... I have been really discouraged. After watching JUST the 1st module... my spirits are much better! I feel empowered and hopeful. So excited to learn all the information available. Wow!" Ingrid
This is the first time in my entire life that I enjoy cooking. I always found it to be a chore and I hated it. I love the comment from Kasia that cooking healthy food is a way to decrease stress and is “me time.” I am gaining confidence in cooking and balancing my meals. Cooking now makes me happy!” Sue 
"I didn’t realize the anxiety EBV was causing me! The past couple of years I have been terrified when I’m riding in the car to the point when I didn’t think I could enjoy the road anymore. We are driving today and I’m not totally terrified and filled with constant anxiety! And I am not crashing!!" Rebecca 
"I was able to work in my flower garden for one hour. This is the first time I was able to do it since I was sick and I was not exhausted the next day. YEAH! And I do not remember the last time my neck and glands felt soft without pain on movement... 
I now know my symptoms of an EBV reactivation!!!" Sue 
"Thank you for giving me space to voice this, as I’ve never had someone who truly understands the impact EBV has emotionally. This group is one of the best things that has happened to me in a long time. The common ground we share is unmatched in my day-to-day relationships" Rachel 
"I am thrilled that I am feeling so much better than I was this winter. I look and act like my old self, which I was very very fond of. Putting in my big garden - veggies and flowers - didn’t think I could do it a few months ago!" Diana 
“I just wanted to share: I work only 2 days a month. I worked this last Saturday and Sunday and usually I’m so drained by the end of the day that I come home and go to sleep. I worked two days in a row, 9:30-5 and I left Sunday night and I still had energy. I came home, made dinner, cleaned the kitchen, watched a show with my daughter. And I woke up with energy today, not drained from the weekend like I normally would.” Anna
"Kasia Kines is an amazing teacher, and each day I see friends from my class improving. And I see improvements in myself. It is a remarkable journey I would recommend to anyone who has suffered long enough from Epstein-Barr Virus and wants their life back!" Janet
"I have been impressed with your compassion along with your professionalism. I know you are steering us in the direction you think best. You have more than lived up to what I was hoping from an expert. I can tell your heart is in this. ... I’m feeling triumphant, hopeful, grateful, and peaceful. My results with the last 5 weeks of Dr. Kasa Kines 10-week EBV program have been a squiggly line, with ups and downs, but have been consistently moving in an upward trajectory. Overall, I’ve been improving. A big thanks to the work Dr. Kines has done on this disease and making it her life’s work to help people suffering from EBV. I recommend her highly.” Jane 
"Been dreaming again! I have my life back! So incredibly thankful! Got my health coaching certification and look forward to helping others. Kasia you continue to inspire me ❤️.” Heather
"The BEST program and best coach out there! ❤️ Thank you Dr. Kasia Kines ❤️ for having this program and for giving me my life back. It's a very different one from the before EBV but it is now sooooo much better thanks to your passion and your mission to help us with EBV heal and navigate through the darkness.” Kate
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"The EBV Recovery Program is the best investment you’ll ever make in your health!"
 Kitty Gibbs

EBV Recovery Program FAQs
How long exactly is the EBV Program?
How long depends on your pace and how precisely you follow the process. All material is available instantly.  However, to really anchor what you learn and integrate it into your life, we recommend taking 1 month for a module - there are 10 core modules, so we suggest committing to 10 months and during that time, to coming to our life coaching calls every 2nd and 4th Wedn 11am PT. 
Is there any individual or direct support from Dr. Kines in the Program?
Most online programs are hands-off or with added coached for support. We do things differently because EBV is a serious virus and has to be treated us such. Each new student has two individual Breakthrough Calls with me directly [included as part of your Program]. If more 1-1 consults are needed, we have a very popular Power Hour [a student rate consultation fee applies] available for our students. In addition, we have live monthly live Q&A and Coaching Calls and monthly live New Member Success Calls on zoom [every 2nd and 4th Wedn 11am PT]. Students can also connect with me in our private FB group and ask me questions directly from our Program dashboard or in Practice Better messenger. 
What happens if I miss the live Q&A Coaching Call? 
We record all my Q&A Coaching Calls and put them in your dashboard (video, audio, chat and a PDF with my notes from our discussion). However, this is the lifeline of the Program and the community. This is where you get to ask questions and ask for direction.  Those that attend the calls get better and faster results than those that do not attend them at all. 
What if I have a question? 
There are 6 ways to get your questions answered directly by me: 1. inside your Program dashboard  2. in our Facebook group by taking me  3. in our coaching calls (twice a month)  4. in private 1-1 Power Hour sessions [small student-rate fee applies to Power Hour] 5. in Practice Better messenger 6. In our two 1-1 calls [included in the Program fee].
I am following Medical Medium. Will the Program contradict what I am doing?
Not at all.
Will I have to stop the diet I am on now?
It does not matter what diet you are currently on.  We address it in our 1-1 calls to customize your program.
Is exercise part of the Program? I cannot tolerate any exercise now.
The Program teaches you the safest and therapeutic forms of movement that are tolerated during EBV and provide relief. It is true that exercise is not tolerated or recommended for most people with EBV until they recover, but particular movement is instrumental for your lymph.
Will the Program still work if I cannot take any supplements or if I can only take a few or at a minimal dosage level?
This is the case for quite a few members of our community and we have resources teaching you what to do. 
Can I take the Program if I live outside of the United States?
Yes. You may have to resource your supplements where you live. 
Can I take the Program more than once?
You do not need to re-enroll. Your materials are yours and do not expire. 
Is there a refund if I decide this Program is not for me?
We have a "no questions asked money guarantee"  policy for the first 48 hours of your enrollment, so you can test the waters and see if the Program is exactly what you are looking for. 
What if the Program does not help me at all?
The Program is evidence-based. 
How long can I stay in the Program's private Facebook community?
As long as you need us.
I already have the book. Do I still need the Program?
Most of our students and alumni joined the Program after they read the book! Yes, if you liked the book, you will LOVE the Program. There are many things I could not say in the book and there are many updates. The book is also pre-covid. The Program addresses that virus as well and its relationship to EBV. 
Can I work with you one on one?
No you can't. I closed my 1-1 clinic in October 2020 so that I could help more people suffering from EBV.  As a result, I no loner offer individual consultations. 1-1 consultations with me are available to our Program students as part of the Program.  

Money Back Guaranteed

I am confident that this Program will change your life - give you your life back, which is your ultimate goal - if you follow the recommendations in it. That's why, we extend a complete refund with no questions asked during the first 48 hours upon enrollment. This gives you a chance to test the waters and take a look at what the Program offers - and if during the first 48 hours you decide this is not what you are looking for, all you need is to let us know. I know the Program will overdeliver.

Meet Dr. Kines

Welcome! My name is Dr. Kasia Kines. I 'm honored to be your guide on your journey to healing and recovery from EBV. 

Why EBV?

So many clients I was seeing over the years in my clinic were just like you...not getting better even though they did everything I asked them to do.  I always sought the best trainings available the US and still there were those few clients that hit the wall!

The real personal heartache and turning point for me came when I lost a close friend to complications of an autoimmune disorder (I now suspect chronic EBV) after she fought for her life nearly 20 years. Why was I not able to help her? 

And most recently I also got EBV as a result of repeated exposure to the toxic mold! And yes, mold is one of the activating triggers for EBV! I got EBV and I got over it within days with the same protocol you will learn in this Program. It is your turn now to recover.

When I discovered EBV years ago, a light bulb went on in my mind and I never looked back until I figured out a complete turn-key approach to EBV, which I am now so excited to share with you too. To this day,  it is beyond my comprehension why EBV is not being diagnosed, tested and treated properly, but that ends here. 
Who am I exactly?

My professional background:

I'm the CEO and Founder of EBV Global Institute, a global leader in recovery therapy for chronic EBV, an Amazon best-selling author of The Epstein-Barr Virus Solution, a wellness expert, and a doctor of clinical nutrition. 

I'm a graduate of Bastyr University, the "Harvard of Natural Medicine" and its world-acclaimed graduate nutrition program and received my doctoral degree in clinical functional nutrition from Maryland University of Integrative Health.  Since 2005, I've built an international reputation as a clinical functional nutritionist, from being sought after by Johns Hopkins University to clients globally, to my ground-breaking book about EBV. 

I've developed a proven evidence-based methodology and approach to EBV recovery and I provide clinical professional training in it to medical doctors and functional practitioners. It gives me so much joy to hear stories about the EBV patients of the doctors I have trained and how these patients are now living their full lives now.

My vision for EBV:

I'm a passionate advocate for debunking common misinformation about EBV in medical community and lecture on this topic extensively. I'm on a mission to bring my EBV knowledge and solution to the world globally, so no one needs to suffer needlessly from this misunderstood virus and its complications. My vision is that one day soon EBV infection will be caught so early that anyone will be able to address it head on and stop it in its track before a reactivation. In my dream, EBV is just like a cold or a sniffle. Where both doctors and patients can recognize it instantly and jump on simple measures to prevent a full reactivation and any damage that comes with it. It is time! YES!

Spiritual Vision for our EBV community and beyond:

Like many others at this time, I have responded to a spiritual calling... and I have come out of a spiritual closet. I have been studying and training in spiritual growth for my own benefit in order to grow and become a better human being and then to pass what I learn on to our EBV community to help facilitate a much deeper transformation in their lives beyond just the physical healing from EBV - a life of joy and fulfillment. I believe that every person I can help open their spiritual connection will then have a trickling effect shining their light on others, inspiring others to also open their hearts and live out their joy and heart's desire, which is the best kind of spiritual practice! 

On a more personal note:

I live in Kingston, WA, with my zen master and spiritual teacher Charlie the cat, who actually helped me write the EBV book. If I'm not helping our EBV Heroes or working on our EBV advocacy, I am probably cooking up a storm, scooping the poop in the paddock for the three mares I had adopted, or I am out and about by the sea, in the beautiful PNW nature. 

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"The EBV Recovery Program is the best investment you’ll ever make in your health!"
 Kitty Gibbs


Dr. Kines has her Doctorate in Clinical Functional Nutrition. 
She supports the whole person with nutrition and lifestyle interventions. 
She is not a medical doctor and does not diagnose or treat diseases.

This website is for educational purposes only.